Deleting multiple photos from google photos on mac
Deleting multiple photos from google photos on mac

deleting multiple photos from google photos on mac

(Note that if you don’t see a GPS tab, this generally means that geotag coordinates are not recorded in the photo’s EXIF data.) If you want to remove location data from a number of photos, you can do so using the free ImageOptim, an app designed to shrink photos. Now, go through and reject all the images you know that you won’t use for anything. Within the More Info tab, click the GPS tab, then click Remove Location Info. From June 2021, Google will also offer a free storage management tool to help you find and delete shots that are underexposed or blurry, which should make it easier to pick through pictures to. Today I want to give you a little task: Enter Lightroom and open the most recent folder. If you don’t currently have a workflow for deleting images I recommend implementing the one above and adjusting it as suited in order to work for you. As with anything related to post-processing, it’s important to find a workflow that makes sense for you. This time I often find a shot or two that I didn’t like the first time but now has something about it. A few weeks, or even months, later I might come back and repeat the process. I’ve now deleted a big portion of the images and will leave the remaining unrated ones untouched for a while.This typically involves zooming in to see who’s sharpest, or which version has the best waves, flow, clouds, etc.

deleting multiple photos from google photos on mac

In the same session, I spend time comparing similar images.I might give a few more images a 3-star rating. A few days later I’ll go back and look through the non-rated images again.Anything with 3 stars or more won’t be deleted Directly after importing and keywording I delete the most obvious images (snapshots, those with bad compositions, test shots, or other shots with visible errors).What if you deleted a potentially good photo? What if you deleted an in-focus version but kept the out-of-focus one?ĭeveloping a workflow that suits you might take some time but here’s how I approach the deleting process: If you’re anything like me, you’re probably a little paranoid about deleting too many images.

Deleting multiple photos from google photos on mac